A Lesson on Adobe's InDesign
While glancing on the inside of a random issue from The New Yorker or The New York Times, I've often been left in a state of aesthetic awe. Professional layouts help organize the material in relation to the graphical art associated with the written content. Whether it's wrapping text around a picture, or making sure each page of the publication follows a consistent theme (for example, a six column structure).
On March 30th, the Mirror (Fairfield University's independent school newspaper) held a tutorial session on how to use Adobe's InDesign program - computer software that allows you to graphically layout how each page of a magazine or newspaper looks before it is printed.
While initially launching the program, the program seems intimidating as it holds the ability to perform many functions. Now mind you, I had never used InDesign. However, the saying of "don't judge a book by its cover" holds true as Adobe strategically made it as foolproof as possible, without comprimising on the program's powers.
The seminar was conducted by Ryan Blair, now Editor in Chief of the newspaper. He ran the audience, composed of mostly Mirror staffwriters and contributors, through a recreation of that week's issue.
First, he showed us how to do the cover page. This included:
- adding headlines
- copying and pasting content from Microsoft Word and into empty text field boxes
- resizing images to make it look better on a page
- showing us a variety of templates available for use
- linking the articles from the front page and onto each subpage (such as material that is "Continued in B3")
As an amateur user of Adobe's powerful software called Photoshop, I was already comfortable with the similar structure and design themes that the company incorporates through its other expensive software. I just had difficulty trying to add text and graphics while making sure everything was proportional and consistent.
InDesign can be had for roughly $700 excluding tax. It's not a program that the average joe will purchase. Rather, experience with the program will come in handy with any career involving publication design.
Hello. And Bye.
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