The Argument on Evolution Stands!
- The usage of the inverted pyramid in both writing styles
- Same rules upheld for Headline writing (Stovall writes that the New York Times requires its online staff to adhere to the same standards its print headlines meet)
- Cutlines used in photographs for identifying, explaning, and elaborating on what the picture is trying to show
- Even on the web where it gives you links “to jump from the beginning of the presentation of information to where he or she wants to be” can be found in a newspaper with a “Continued in Section C5”
- Summaries are found in many newspapers, such as in the inside page of the New York Times where they showcase one-sentence blurbs on their tops stories
- Subheads, a sentence that foretells the general gist of the story can be found on both online and offline articles!
- Visual layouts are important in newspapers too, especially the rule of having at least five lines to allow for a columned paragraph.
The only real differences can be seen in having colored text as newspapers seldom have anything colored except their front pages or inserts. That is simply a limitation of resources on the part of newspapers...or else it wouldn't be shocking to see a more magazine-esqe look to newspapers! The USA Today is a great example of a newspaper which takes full advant
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